

Most Important Rules
No Kiddie porn!
We have zero tolerance regarding child pornography. If you submit a pin with an underage (less then 18 years) person, you will be reported to the appropriate authorities. If you are in doubt, don't pin
No animals / bestiality
Bestiality is illegal in many countries. We do not permit pins where people have sex with animals or where an animal is sexually abused in any way.
No rape / extreme violence
it is ok role play and pretend but it's not ok to really rape or abuse someone. We do not permit pins showing rape or extreme violence.

General rules of conduct on the site:

To begin with, the site communicates hundreds of people of different religions and beliefs, and all of them are full visitors of our site, so if we want this community of people to function and we need rules. We strongly recommend reading these rules, it will take you only five minutes, but it will save us and you time and help make the site more interesting and organized. Let's start with the fact that on our site you need to behave respectfully to all site visitors. Do not insult to the participants, it is always superfluous. If there are claims - contact Admins or Moderators (use private messages). Insulting other visitors is considered one of the most serious violations and is strictly punished by the administration. We strictly forbad racism, religious and political speech. We thank you in advance for your understanding and for the desire to make our site more polite and friendly.
The site is strictly prohibited:
- messages not related to the content of the article or to the discussion context - insult and threats against site visitors
- comments forbid expressions containing profanity, degrading, inciting ethnic hatred
- spam, as well as advertising of any goods and services, other resources, media or events that are not relevant to the context of the discussion of the article Let's respect each other and the site to which you and other readers come to chat and express their thoughts. The site administration reserves the right to delete comments or part of comments if they do not meet these requirements.
Video does not work
The main reason for the appearance of the words "file not found" is associated with software (antiviruses, VPN, Proxy and other software used on the Internet). There is no single solution to this issue. We, as the creators of this site, are not related to the possible blocking of a video stream by a program that filters the Internet traffic of each of the users. Possible options that can harm viewing and their solution: - if you have proxy server / VPN enabled or browser add-on (for example: Hola VPN) - disable them (often the developers of these programs prohibit viewing video files, due to the use of a large amount of traffic on a free basis). - if you are using Kaspersky Anti-Virus Anti-Virus, disable it in the settings of the Anti-Banner program. When using another anti-virus, find a similar setting and disable it. - any other software (Adblock, ADS, ABP, Adguard) interfering with the work of the site with placed advertisements must be disabled. - if you are watching from a mobile and Google Chrome browser, check that the "Traffic Saving" feature has been disabled. To check, go to settings -> Save traffic (should be off)
How to download porn from Ruvideos.net
- On our website you can download porn videos with a button under the player, which shows the file size and shape. Downloading video will start immediately.
Transferable rights to third parties
- By posting your video through our services, you grant us and each user of the Service a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, limited license to access and use your Content to the extent permitted by the functionality of the Service, such as: the right to reproduce, distribute, modify, display and perform it in any media formats through any media channels, including through iframe technology, which allows anyone to watch your video content on third-party websites through a player that had been embedded, except Content not shared publicly (private mode) will not be distributed outside the Service.